Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu - Movie Trailers
Wow! I really loved the movie Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu. The movie is absolutely stunning with top-notch graphics and visuals while Kristina Nicoll deliver some award-winning performances in this movie. I also think Annick Obonsawin was great! The visuals and graphics make for some very realistic on screen special-effects but that is the beauty of the movie.When the movie wants to be funny it is funny, the same is true for when the movie needs to deliver its scary aspects.
I think Kristina Nicoll and Annick Obonsawin worked wonderful in Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu. The great supporting cast includes Kristina Nicoll, Annick Obonsawin, Novie Edwards, Len Carlson, Robert Tinkler.
You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!
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I left some information, immages, and video previews of Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu below.
Summary of Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu:
Part 1 - The all-important encryptor chip comes up for sale at an auction and the CyberSquad tries to outbid Hacker. When the bid goes up, the kids have to figure out how much more money they need to save, but things don't turn out as they expect. Part 2 - A new invention could restore Motherboard, but the kids have limited funds to buy the needed parts. If they run out of money, Motherboard will be lost forever. DVD includes bonus episode.
Click on images below to see Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu online :

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Cyberchase - The Snelfu Snafu Trailer:
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